Wednesday, March 14, 2012

On Angelina Jolie's leg and Shame

I was planning on writing about the Academy Award's red carpet, but the weeks just flew by and it lost its relevance. Something, however, that stood out (pun very much intended) and kept me smiling and thinking - unlike most of the red carpet fashion that night - was Angelina Jolie's leg.

Now, I have always been a fan of Angelina Jolie, yes, it may be a tad shameful. I buy magazines with her face on the cover and see her movies and wait with eager anticipation for her red carpet arrivals. Maybe that's more than a tad shameful... And when she arrived on the red carpet she, as usual, looked stunning.

Her hair and makeup are flawless, and she  makes velvet look lush and sexy and manages to erase the Dennis Hopper in Blue Velvet (watch at your own risk) image out of my head. Which is not an easy task. Actually, voting to watch this movie in Professor Wallace's literature class still makes me ashamed. Not to mention it ruined my view on other things than velvet. (Trey MacDougal, anyone?)

It wasn't her dress or her make up or Dennis Hopper everyone was talking about minutes after her arrival - it was her stance. With her slim right leg bent and exposed. Clearly not by mistake and clearly all night long. Apparently it was so obvious and in your face that even an Oscar winner mocked the fabulous Jolie (How dare he!) All this and I still didn't notice her leg. Did I think all this leg bending and exposure was normal? Perhaps I did, and that, is the most shameful thing of all.