Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Illusion of Nude

Katy Perry

Betty Page (notice the stripe)


Zooey Deschanel

Deschanel in nude fishnets

Sarah Jessica Parker 

Pippa Middelton

The Middelton sisters

Carla Bruni

Bruni in (gasp) tights and opened toed shoes


A difference I noticed almost immediately upon moving to Norway was the women’s ability and willingness to wear a pantyhose. Now, I credit this mainly to cold weather. Before I moved to Oslo, I never owned a pair of tights. I don’t think I even thought of them. Now I have a drawer full of them. I didn’t think much of it. It is cold in Oslo, especially during the winter, and it doesn’t really get cold in San Diego. It was as simple as that.

Then Kate and Pippa came onto the scene. And there was all this talk about tights and if they were a "back". I don't think in Oslo they ever left.  All of a sudden tights were the talk of the town and Zooey Deschanel was saying how tights are her "safety blanket". 

You know how you start thinking about tacos and all of a sudden tacos are everywhere? And you wonder whether you're just seeing tacos because you're thinking about them, or if the reason you're thinking about them is because there really are tacos everywhere? That's how I feel about pantyhose right now.

My grandmother told me a story about how she used to draw the straight line on the back of her legs so it looked like she was wearing tights. It was too embarrassing to go without. In Pictures of pinups and the ever so sexy Betty Page they are often wearing tights. So, when did this become a deal? A thing to be covered in countless blogs and magazines?

When I was around 13 I would watch Grease with my best friend Sarah. That was what we did - we would watch musicals and sing and swing dance. On one of these musical nights we had to pause and re-watch , pause and re-watch the clip I posted above. Sarah and I were so damn envious of the actresses' legs. When on about the 5th rewind we realized "Ohhhhh, they're wearing tights!" Why at that moment we didn't go to Target and buy a pair of nude tights beats me. Maybe it's because we were living in San Diego.

I have come to love panty hose, but yet, I am weary. White tights are a no go for me. Anything with horizontal lines: absolutely not; and nude pantyhose I am iffy on. They need to be the absolute right shade for my skin tone and the shine needs to be spot on. Not too much, yet not too little. I am no expert, and several kroners have gone wasted because I bought the wrong size, shade or shine. But when you have found the right pair of nude tights I believe they will make you look as fabulous as Kate Middleton. Just don't ever wear them with opened toed shoes. Yes, I know Carla Bruni is doing just that in a picture above. But she is French, and a model, and married to the president. She's allowed.

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